Friday 21 October 2016

AS2 Task 4 - Television Ident

I followed my storyboard quite accurately for this task, I didn't change much, if anything, when I made the ident. The same concept remained and most of the imagery in the storyboard was copied into the ident when I made the plasticine models.

I think the ident worked quite well despite being jumpy due to the lack of pictures per second. If I had more time to perfect the ident I would have added better lighting to remove/reduce the number of shadows cast by the sun through the window in the room. I would also have a more cosmic background to make it easier to understand that his is all happening in space somewhere.

As for the audio, I couldn't find any relevant audio. I tried to get something that sounded quite spacey in terms of music but everything on youtube is just EM audio of the planets in our solar system which is just a monotonous sound that goes on for several minutes before changing slightly.

Overall, I can improve many aspects of the ident but I'm content with the outcome as it follows most of what I tried to do on the storyboard.

AS2 Task 3 - Legal Documents

Tuesday 11 October 2016

AS2 Task 2 - Designing The Suite

This idea is suitable for the channel because it only involves toys spelling out the channel name. I think it's suited more towards Cbeebies than CBBC because of the simplicity of the ident, meaning that children between the ages of 6-12 would not find it as interesting, entertaining or amusing as those who are younger.

They appeal to the target audience because it's just a simple dent that involves children's toys spelling with blocks. It can be related to by children as they should still be playing with toys at that age. They may also be fascinated by it because of Toy Story, thinking that toys can actually come to life when there's nobody in the room that the toys are in.

This ident isn't suited to a specific season but I think it would work quite well during the spring and summer better than autumn and winter. I'd say that it's also better suited to be used after 3pm when school ends and people make their way back home.

This is my most favourite idea. It's more suited towards CBBC because of the older audience which will find it easier to understand what is going on. I think it's quite suited to CBBC as the channel's idents are normally quite extravagant because of the warping shapes and letters which this ident idea might end in to retain that originality. It's also more energetic, like the channel's standard ident format or design.

As I said before, I think this ident would appeal to the target audience for several reasons. One being how energetic or fast-paced it all is, like the original idents are with the jumping and hyperactive shapes and letters. Also, the audience might find watching the ident intriguing because of how it displays what goes on in space and how fast-paced the environment is when entering the atmosphere of a planet.

This ident is not suited for winter or summer, but I think it would work best with autumn or spring. I don't entirely know why I think this but I just feel as if it would suit the social atmosphere's of autumn and spring better.

I think this ident suits the Cbeebies channel better because of the calmness of it. The idea behind the ident is that it will just show the current season as a time-lapse from the previous season. So since it's October it would start from summer then stop at the end of autumn when all the leaves from most trees have fallen, when it's chilly and the sky looks a bit colder. The ident will show the time-lapse through a very slow day-night cycle as the season reaches the end at which point the camera will pan upwards and show Cbeebies in the sky somehow. I was thinking of creating the letters using stars in the sky then joining them together but thought that there is a better way, such as a still frame shot of leaves forming Cbeebies in the sky for a second or two before carrying on to wherever it is the wind is blowing them.

The target audience would be able to relate to this ident as it would match the current season so they would have no trouble understanding what is going on and might even learn about how nature works through the different cycles of the year.

The ident would be made specifically to suit on season at a time, it wouldn't overlap in order to stop any confusion being made.

The video above just quickly shows the ident in closer detail. I aim to make it as close to the storyboard as I can because that's how I imagine the ident to be shown on television. I'll add in more frames of animation in order to make it more detailed.

Monday 10 October 2016

AS2 Task 1 - Ident Ideas Generation

The ideas I have mindmapped were all something that I thought could work with the CBBC or Cbeebies idents. I tried to expand upon them as much as I could to give more of an idea of what I could create when working with that idea.

I will probably end up using space as it is quite a volatile idea and I think children are quite fascinated by space because of how vast it is and how hard people may need to think to comprehend what happens out there. I might end up using spaceships as everyone loves spaceships because of how cool they, but also because it is a useful thing to use for smooth transitions if I plan on using it to show how the channel mascots travel to a planet.

Seasons can be used for appropriate seasons of the year. It's the most basic idea of the 3 and I will not use it. It simply features several trees outside during the different seasons of the year and it shows how it changes. I couldn't think of what else I could include with this idea for an ident.

Toys can also be very creative if used properly so it's a second after space. I was thinking of using it in a way where the toys seem to come alive and spell out the channel name using letter blocks as they work together then maybe become lifeless as someone walks into the room.

I will choose space as my final idea because I feel as if the theme will be relevant to the channel due to it being quite an interesting topic and because of how free I can be with it.

My idea for space is to show a spaceship carrying the mascots into a solar system and then them settling down, setting up a camp and falling asleep watching TV as the natives of the alien planet watch them from afar in one of the scenes.

I think it would appeal to the target audience because it's interesting as to how anything can exist anywhere, yet no one can see this.